2015 Goals

GOALS FOR 2015 (as of Jan 4...they'll change....)

Here they are in no particular order, my major goals for 2015.

  1. Practice Trumpet at least an hour a day
  2. Work on improvisational ideas present in Matt Otto's blog
  3. Work/Study drill design
  4. Ear training 15 min 4 days a week
  5. Transcription- 1 a month
  6. Crossfit at least 4 days a week
  7. Blog!
  8. Log practice
  9. Eat clean!
  10. Backwards calendars
  11. Finish Trumpetology Album
  12. Get Laker Band arrangements ready for publication
  13. Practice piano 15 min a day
  14. Work more with midi
  15. Study orchestration and the string family at least 1 day a week for 30 min

Seem like a lot?  Not sure if it is...I'm sure I will alter and change this as we move through the year, but for now be prepared for blogs on this!

Duple wearing a Santa hat

Duple wearing a Santa hat